Friday, January 15, 2010

Pamphlet 1 of Maurya's Career Academy

Dear student,
The world you are entering is in many ways very different now from what it was when your grandparents began their career. It was the late sixties and India still depended on other countries for something as basic as food. When visitors came to India then, they came to see what they could do for India. But the times have changed. Now, they come to see what India can do for them. This change in mindset has been brought about by the efforts of millions of educated Indians who gave their best wherever they went and enhanced the image of the Indian workforce globally.
            As the world is seeing less and less growth opportunities in developed countries, investors and enterprises are entering global developing markets that hold the promise of growth and higher return. Not only MNC firms are coming to India, but more importantly, Indian enterprises are acquiring global footprints thereby creating a greater demand for skilled professionals/workers meeting international standards of quality and productivity in almost all the sectors.
           We need lakhs of teachers, technicians, engineers, bankers, doctors, entrepreneurs etc. to accelerate our growth and script a success story. If you aspire to be a part of India’s growth story then decide and act now because you will be what you WILL TO BE.

 Always remember that in the journey of life, more people will tell you can’t than you can. Don’t listen. Anything is possible when you believe that If it is to be, it is up to me.’

So, reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul,
Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.

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